Tuesday, June 21, 2011

So Cool!

So the day of my great nation, Canada, is rapidly approaching. I've spent the past three out of the country, so it will be nice to watch fireworks sprayed into and spreading across the sky on July 1st. Eating steak and corn, and hoping you don't get rained out. Going for a hike through one of our many, many beautiful ecosystems (Wascana Trails, I'm looking at you!).

And then I discovered The Book Mine Set. This is a book blog with a Canadian Bias - and it is hosting an event on July 2nd entitled "Under the Midnight Sun Readathon". From noon on July 2nd to noon on July 3rd you read. Not much more than read. Try and finish a book - blog about your progress and your thoughts. Not much more.

So cool!

Now, I've long thought that Canadian literature is some of the best that the world has going for it. I'm totally biased too - but that doesn't stop me from suggesting it is true. There is far, far too much wealth in our literary vault for our population. Thank goodness so many of our authors are sufficiently popular to gain some international recognition.

The other 'So Cool!" part?

The 5th Canadian Book Challenge, also hosted by The Book Mine Set. You grab thirteen books, one for each of the Canadian provinces or territories (though not necessarily coming from them) and you read. You have a year. Starting on the country's birthday. Does not sound too hard, does it?

So what should I read? What Canadian masterpieces are out there for me to yet discover?

Here is a tentative list of what I am hoping to enjoy:

1. The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz - Mordecai Richler
2. The Fire-Dwellers - Margaret Laurence
3. Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood
4. Three Day Road - Joseph Boyden
5. Pilgrim - Timothy Findley
6. The Love of a Good Woman - Alice Munro
7. A Season in the Life of Emmanuel - Marie-Claire Blais
8. Lives of the Saints - Nino Ricci
9. In the Skin of a Lion - Michael Ondaatje
10. A Whale for the Killing - Farley Mowat
11. The Golden Spruce - John Vaillant
12. No Great Mischief - Alistair MacLeod
13. Galore - Michael Crummy (the only book on this list that I do not yet own)

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